
Results: 70 Results

Aug 16, 2019 Sustainability

MSCI investigates: What are the real advantages of sustainable investing?

Everyone knows that sustainability benefits the environment. But does it also provide financial benefits? Current studies indicate yes.

Equities, ESG, Sustainability, Dividend
Aug 07, 2019 Real Estate

Houses made of paper, building in fast motion – how much do you know?

Real estate – seen one building, seen them all? Hardly, as you’ll find out when you take the DWS real estate quiz!

Real Estate
Aug 02, 2019 Multi Asset

Multi Asset - Together we are strong

What is the most important thing to consider when investing? Broad diversification, as they already knew in ancient Rome. Today the same idea in modern form delivers results.

Jul 25, 2019 Sustainability

Are you a sustainability pro? Test yourself…

Many of us dream about living a more sustainable life. But what does that mean in reality? In day-to-day life it’s hard to always do the right thing. So how eco-conscious are you really? Here’s where you get to find out…

Jul 25, 2019 Real Estate

From department store to Wanghong

The corner shop, the mail order catalogue, online websites: every era has its own way of shopping. What will the future bring? It may be a mixture of yesteryear and tomorrow – and have an impact both on the shopping experience and the real estate market.

Jul 25, 2019 Sustainability

Nordic by nature – Oslo, the green model city

Oslo is the Green Capital of the European Union in 2019. The Norwegian metropolis is one step ahead of the rest of Europe in sustainability matters.

ESG, Equities, Sustainability
Jul 10, 2019 Bonds

Bonds – falling interest rates may cause yields to crumble

Major central banks have given firm indications that they will once again loosen monetary policy this year. This is also weighing on bond yield expectations.

Corporate Bonds, Bonds
Jun 18, 2019 Equities

Small stocks, big opportunities

Small caps are often relegated to the margins. Unjustly. For they can often more than hold their own with larger caps.

Jun 13, 2019 Real Estate

Base cap meets big business

Technological progress is changing the world of work and therefore also the standards required of office buildings. We look at how investors can add these current trends to their real estate portfolios.

Jun 04, 2019 Equities

US–China trade war: what investors need to know

There’s no end in sight in the US-China trade war. Uncertainty about the dispute’s outcome is depressing markets.

Jun 04, 2019 Equities

How to create an "artificially intelligent" portfolio

Artificial intelligence is expected to improve many companies’ productivity. Investors can buy into this topical theme through equities and funds.

Jun 03, 2019 Equities

German small and mid-cap – opportunities beyond the mainstream

If investors ignore smaller companies, they are overlooking opportunities for above-average gains. As second-tier equities are often volatile, it makes sense to build a solid foundation with standard shares.

May 27, 2019 Bonds

Asian bonds – returns that are out of this world

In many industrialised countries, returns on bonds have fallen to a level that barely covers inflation. If you are looking for higher returns, Asia could be the answer.

Emerging Markets
May 21, 2019 Equities

German equities can help exploit global market opportunities

For German exporters, globalisation has opened the door to a huge market. In right mix, Dax and MDax shares provide investors with attractive opportunities.

May 16, 2019 Sustainability

Let others do it for you

If you want to invest money sustainably, you have to scrutinize every security - all of which requires time, effort and expertise. Actively managed ESG funds can be a practical solution for private investors.

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