Focus Fund

DWS Invest Global Infrastructure FD
DWS Invest Global Infrastructure invests primarily in equities from issuers in the global infrastructure sector. This includes the following segments: Transportation (roads, airports, marine ports and railways), energy (gas and electricity transmission, distribution and generation), water (irrigation, drinking water and sewage) and communications (radio and cell towers, satellites, fiber optic and copper cable). The fund is actively managed.

Category / Investor Profile

Equity Funds / Growth-oriented

See Product

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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Values shown in green are ≥ 0 and values shown in red are < 0. Colors are not indicative of the fund’s performance as compared to its index.

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963 bn

Assets under Management (Source: DWS; as of 30 September 2024)

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employees (as of September 2024)