We love the sea. We use the sea as a recreational space. We sunbathe on the beach, engage in water sports, go on cruises or enjoy the magnificent view of the water. Even more important: We need the sea.
Seas and oceans produce oxygen, absorb geothermal heat and thus regulate the earth‘s climate. At the same time, we also benefit from the sea. The value of the products and services that are generated with and by the oceans and seas per year is 2.5 trillion dollars. This economic power is popularly referred to as the Blue Economy. It includes industries and sectors that have a connection to oceans, seas and coasts, regardless of whether their activities take place on or in the sea or on land..
According to OECD estimates, the Blue Economy will grow faster than the established economy by 2030. In an interview, fund manager Paul Buchwitz provides a deeper insight into the topic and the fund behind it.
The DWS Concept ESG Blue Economy invests in companies that are directly or indirectly connected to the oceans through their products and services. These are so-called solution providers[9] and companies in transition[9].
Can already contribute to a more sustainable Blue Economy with their services or products.
Efforts are being made to conserve resources in the use of the oceans.
Alternative sustainable fish feed producers | |
Technologies to reduce emissions in shipping | |
Packaging industry (biodegradable materials) | |
Renewable energy technologies | |
Certification, testing and inspection service provider | |
Circular economy |
Aquaculture/wild fisheries in the oceans | |
Global shipping and ports | |
Consumer goods companies | |
Energy and resources | |
Coastal protection | |
Tourism |
Together with WWF Deutschland we accompany selected companies from the portfolio on the way to a more resource-conserving use of the oceans.[10]
1. The basis of the cooperation is the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles guide, which is produced by the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative within the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) (https://www.unepfi.org/blue-finance/resources/).
2. The investment universe is defined, among other things, by environmental and social aspects, as well as the principles of good corporate governance.
The aim of the engagement: to actively drive and support companies on the path to transformation.
Sustainability criteria can complement the investment objectives of return, risk and liquidity, with environmental, social and governance-related aspects. The three sustainability criteria provide orientation. They can be understood as a guidance to sustainable investing.
Shareclass |
Currency |
LU2363960969 |
Front-end Load |
0,0% |
Management Fee |
0,750% |
Earnings |
Distribution |
The investment policy is defined, among other things, by environmental and social aspects, as well as the principles of good corporate governance. The fund management applies DWS‘s own ESG filter „DWS ESG Investment Standard“ when selecting assets. At least 51% of the fund’s assets are invested in assets covered by the DWS ESG Investment Standard.
If a company has a positive contribution to at least one of the United Nations SDGs through its economic activity and does not violate any other goal, as well as adheres to principles of good governance, it is considered a sustainable investment.
Minimum share of sustainable investments[11] | 15%[12] |
2%[12] |
1%[12] |
Market-, sector- and company-specific price volatility.
Possible exchange-rate risk.
Because of its composition or the techniques used by its managers, the fund is subject to heightened volatility. Consequently, unit prices may fluctuate sharply in either direction within short periods of time.
The value of the fund's shares may fall below the price at which the client originally bought them.
1. Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research 2021, https://www.bmbf.de/bmbf/shareddocs/kurzmeldungen/de/2021/07_08/ozean-als-co2-speicher.html, accessed 10.05.2023.
2. Source: ARD Alpha 2021, https://www.ardalpha.de/wissen/umwelt/klima/klimawandel/ozeane-weltmeere-erwaermung-co2-klimawandel-100.html, accessed 10.05.2023.
3. Source: Umwelt Bundesamt 2023, https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/themen/wasser/gewaesser/meere/nutzung-belastungen/schifffahrt#schiffslarm, accessed 10.05.2023.
4. Source: European Commission 2021, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2021%3A240%3AFIN, accessed 10.10.2023
5. Source: WWF Germany 2022, https://www.wwf.de/themen-projekte/meere-kuesten/fischerei/ueberfischung, accessed 10.05.2023.
6. Source: WWF Germany 2022, https://www.wwf.de/themen-projekte/plastik/plastikkrise-bedrohung-ganzer-oekosysteme, accessed on 10.05.2023.
7. Source: German Climate Consortium 2019, https://www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de/fileadmin/user_upload/pdfs/Publikationen_DKK/dkk-kdmmeeresspiegelbroschuere-web.pdf, accessed on 10.05.2023.
8. Source: OECD 2020, https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/bede6513-en/index.html?itemId=/content/publication/bede6513-en, accessed on 10.05.2023 World population 2020: 7.84 billion people.
9. Solution providers and companies in transition are defined by DWS as part of the investment process.
10. Details can be found in the DWS Concept ESG Blue Economy Engagement Report: https://www.go.dws.de/Engagement_Report.
11. The proportion of sustainable investments as defined in Article 2(17) SFDR in the portfolio is calculated in proportion to the economic activities of the issuers that qualify as sustainable.
12. These are minimum shares that do not necessarily add up to the total share.
13. “Ecologically sustainable investment” in line with Art. 2(17) SFDR means an investment in an economic activity that contributes to an environmental objective.
14. “Socially sustainable investment” in line with Art. 2(17) SFDR means an investment in an economic activity that contributes to a social objective.
15. The sales prospectus contains detailed risk information.