Equity investing

As a leading global asset manager, DWS offers a wide range of actively managed equity funds.

~25 bn EUR

Assets under management in dedicated active equity income strategies [1]

Market share in Europe

>20 %

Morningstar-Category „Global Equity Income“ [2]

Investment experience in managing equity income funds

>21 years

Launch of our first flagship fund: April 2003

Experienced and stable Equity Income Team

11 specialists

A dedicated team of 11 fund managers / analysts supported by our global equity platform

Average Yearly Distribution Yield


since April 2003

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Finding opportunities in market inefficiencies


Capital markets are not perfect. They are shaped by the extent to which information is made available and interpreted. This is why valuations at any given time are likely to reflect the balance of market participants’ expectations rather than an exhaustive consideration of all the relevant data.

DWS’s active investment philosophy aims to take advantage of this imperfection. By drawing on comprehensive research into a broad range of financial and non-financial factors, including those related to ESG, we seek to identify the opportunities to which market inefficiencies can give rise.

Rooted in clear decision-making, our equity investing process combines discipline with flexibility. We believe this enables us to recognise key investment themes and trends and to select securities with above-average share price potential.

Each of our funds has a single portfolio manager. Along with our overall team structure, this ensures accountability for both our underpinning research and our  approach to portfolio construction. In addition, our performance is constantly reviewed through our integrated portfolio-monitoring and risk management process.


The cornerstones of our approach to equity investing

Client focus

Client focus

Our primary objective is to thoroughly understand and serve each client’s specific needs, identify appropriate solutions and implement them with skill and integrity.

Truly global platform

Truly global platform

A global team of research and investment professionals delivers a comprehensive range of strategies, combining genuinely global reach with on-the-ground knowledge and insight.

Fundamental research

Fundamental research

Proprietary fundamental research is the foundation for our investment decisions and underpins the entire investment process.

Consistent investment process

Consistent investment process

Our investment processes are transparent, repeatable and designed to deliver competitive, sustainable risk-adjusted returns.

Our equity investing strategies


DWS’s range of actively managed equity strategies covers a variety of regions with different investment styles.


Global Equities Blend

This strategy applies a bottom-up stock-picking approach by considering a range of both qualitative and quantitative criteria. These might include quality of management, business model sustainability, organic growth, strength of balance sheet, accounting model and valuation.

Global Equity Income

The portfolio management of the strategy invests in companies with strong balance sheets, high free cash flow, low net debt and good credit rating which offer an attractive dividend profile. The objective is to achieve outperformance vs the peer group and the broad market over a complete market cycle, minimize volatility and drawdowns, while providing an attractive distribution to investors.

ESG Global Equity Income

Our ESG Global Equity Income Strategy aims, just like our Global Equity Income strategies, to compose a portfolio of financially strong companies with an attractive dividend profile. On top of that, the portfolio management considers ESG aspects applying the dedicated DWS ESG Investment Standard. Moreover, the portfolio management team aims to profit from secular trends such as "Healthy Aging and Living", "Smart Infrastructure", or "Energy Efficiency", or "Sustainable Packaging" among others.



European Large Caps / Euroland Large Caps

This strategies invest in the most attractive European stocks / attractive stocks in the Eurozone by focusing on high quality companies demonstrating above average earnings growth potential. We believe that mispriced growth opportunities can manifest themselves over different investment horizons. Over the long-term, share price appreciation of companies tend to be driven by positive structural forces, whereas in the short to medium term, the marginal change in company fundamentals tend to be key drivers of stock performance.  As a result, our investment approach is geared towards exploiting opportunities in structural growth and positive earnings delta situations

European All Caps

This strategy invests in European large-, mid- and small-cap stocks. The critical selection criteria are the fundamental business- and good ESG quality of the company. We look for investment opportunities that fall into one of two concepts, either “Mispriced Inflection”, or “Quality-Growth-at-a-reasonable price”.  These two concepts give us flexibility to perform in different market environments. This creates positive style exposure from strategic positioning. Over time, the portfolio is weighted towards the styles of Quality, Growth and, Momentum. and “away from” expensive. 

European Small- & Mid-Caps

The strategy invests in European small- and mid-cap stocks that fall into one of two concepts, either “Mispriced Inflection”, or “Quality-Growth-at-a-reasonable price”.  These two concepts give us flexibility to perform in different market environments. It creates positive style exposure from strategic positioning. Over time, the portfolio is weighted towards the styles of Quality, Growth, Momentum and “away from” expensive. The alpha generation is mainly driven from bottom-up stock picking (within our two investment concepts). We believe that the European small & mid cap market is inefficient. To exploit that information inefficiency in the best way we focus on proprietary, in-house fundamental analysis. We have >1600 meetings with European companies p.a., including customers and suppliers of our investment companies, plus meetings with industry experts and analysts. Within the DWS European Small/Mid Cap team we do our own proprietary analysis of historic financials, do modelling & forecasting and use valuation tools. With the support of the DWS “ESG Engine” we analyze a large set of ESG related inputs. To do this, we have a large dedicated European Small/Mid Cap team, plus utilize the significant resources of DWS Equity platform.


Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets Equities

This strategy combines a global perspective with global knowledge. With expert investment teams across sectors and countries, we aim to select the best companies from across the Emerging Markets investment universe while carefully balancing performance against risk.


1. DWS Top Dividende, DWS Invest Top Dividend, DWS Invest ESG Equity Income, DWS Invest II European Top Dividend, DWS Invest II US Top Dividend, DWS Invest ESG Emerging Markets Top Dividend and institutional mandates

2. Market share of 25% „Global Equity Income“ peer group by Morningstar, as of: end of September 2023

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