DWS Top Dividende

Heart of the portfolio

The heart is the central organ in the body

The heart maintains circulation and pumps the entire volume of blood through the body once a minute. At rest, it beats about 65 times a minute[1]. Under stress, the heart rate can increase to over 200 beats per minute. A strong heart is the basis for a healthy cardiovascular system.

With the goal of a moderate but steady performance with lower fluctuations compared to the global stock market[2] and an additional income from distributions, the DWS Top Dividende can be the basis for a calm and successful investment - and thus the heart of the portfolio.

DWS Dividend Strategy - good for pulse and portfolio[3]

Pole of rest

Smaller fluctuations can have a balancing effect.

Lower intensity training contributes to a strong heart and balanced resting pulse in the long term

The DWS Dividend Strategy is designed for low fluctuations

Volatility DWS Top Dividende LD and MSCI World (RI) Index since inception fund (April 28, 2003 to December 30, 2024).

The fluctuation margins of DWS Top Dividende LD (gray) have regularly been within those of the MSCI World (RI) Index (blue) since the fund was launched.

DWS Top Dividende - SInuskurve

Less fluctuation compared to the global stock market can bring calm to the portfolio.


Increase fitness through exercise

But it all depends on the direction.

Increase fitness through asymmetrical movement, i.e. relatively more up than down

Upward-downward participation - since inception[4] of DWS Top Dividende LD

Since its launch, DWS Top Dividende has accounted for 70 percent of positive stock market movements worldwide, but only 62 percent of negative movements[5] – measured against the MSCI World[6].


DWS Top Dividende with asymmetric risk-return profile

Compared with the MSCI World, both the price rises and the falls are lower, and the price falls should be smaller compared with the rises.

This means: the way down should be shorter in relative terms than the way up.the way down should be shorter in relative terms than the way up.

DWS Top Dividende - SInuskurve

Not following every price movement - especially the downward one - can pay off.

Extra energy in the dividend season

Release of endorphins are good for the heart.

Dividends have a positive effect because they gladden the investor's heart

Dividends are usually paid out irrespective of how the price of the respective shares is currently developing. This means that even if the stock market is currently in a slump, holders of dividend stocks can still benefit from a possible payout.[3]

The distribution yield has exceeded the inflation rate in almost every year since the fund was launched.

Distribution yield DWS Top Dividende LD since inception versus inflation rate (in %).

DWS Top Dividende - SInuskurve

Reliable dividend payers are characterized by regular distributions and steady dividend growth.[7]

More endurance

50% increase in performance possible in the long term.

With DWS Top Dividend at training camp

If the distributions of DWS Top Dividende LD are reinvested, a significant excess return can be achieved compared to an investment without reinvestment.[8]


DWS Top Dividende - SInuskurve

Regular reinvestment of dividends can significantly improve the performance of the portfolio.

DWS Top Dividende Quick Check

DWS Top Dividende - Herz-Bullet

Global investment strategy

DWS Top Dividende - Herz-Bullet

Dividend stocks with good balance sheet quality

DWS Top Dividende - Herz-Bullet

Shares with high and sustainable dividend yields

DWS Top Dividende - Herz-Bullet

Addition of dividend growth stocks

DWS Top Dividende - Herz-Bullet

Comparatively lower fluctuations[2]

DWS Top Dividende - Herz-Bullet

Additional income through dividend distributions[9]

DWS Top Dividende - Herz-Bullet

Prospect of share price increase & dividend

In phases of sharply rising share prices, rather lower price increases than in the broad market are to be expected.

DWS Top Dividende - SInuskurve

DWS Top Dividende can bring peace of mind and the opportunity for returns to the portfolio through a broadly diversified and globally positioned portfolio of solid dividend stocks.

The team - the heart of DWS Top Dividende!

1. DWS Top Dividende, DWS Invest Top Dividend, DWS Invest ESG Equity Income, DWS Invest II ESG European Top Dividend, DWS Invest II ESG US Top Dividend, DWS Invest ESG Emerging Markets Top Dividend and institutional mandates, As of September 2024.

2. Based on AuMs of Morningstar's Equity Income Global peer group as of the end of October 2024, Copyright © 2024 Morningstar Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein 1. is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; 2. may not be reproduced or distributed; and 3. is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete, or current. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from the use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Source: DWS International GmbH, As of September 2024.

3. Source: DWS International GmbH, as at September 2024.

" In our opinion, DWS Top Dividende is a core equity investment and is perfect for accumulating wealth. We pursue a ‘cool-head’ strategy: buying and selling hectically does not fit in with our long-term investment approach.

Thomas Schüßler DWS Top Dividende fund manager

DWS Top Dividende LD

DWS Top Dividende LD

Equity Funds/Growth-oriented

ISIN: DE0009848119

Currency: EUR

Fund All-In Fee (TER): 1.450%

Morningstar Rating Morningstar Rating from 31/01/2025

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Fund details of DWS Top Dividend LD









Front-end Load


All-in fee


Current costs (Status: 30.09.2024)


Plus performance-related fee from securities lending returns





  • Market-, sector-, or company-related price fluctuations
  • potential exchange rate risk
  • no dividend payouts, or dividend cuts.
  • Due to its composition and the techniques used by its fund managers, the special fund is subject to high levels of volatility, which means that the unit prices may be subject to substantial downward or upward fluctuation, even within short periods of time.
  • The fund engages in significant volumes of derivatives transactions with various contracting partners. In the event of nonpayment by a contracting partner, for example due to insolvency, investors may suffer a loss on their investment. Financial derivatives are not covered by any statutory or voluntary deposit protection scheme.
  • The value of the fund’s units may fall below the price at which the client originally bought them.

More topics

1. Source: https://www.focus.de/gesundheit/praxistipps/ruhepuls-wie-hoch-ist-normal_id_7218075.html.

2. Compared to the MSCI World.

3. Distributions are not guaranteed. The amount of distribution payouts may change or may not be paid at all. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models or analyses that may prove to be inaccurate or incorrect.

4. Launch: April 28, 2003.

5. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Upside capture ratio (upside participation) measures the performance of a fund in rising markets relative to the market. Downside Capture Ratio (downside participation) measures the performance of a fund in falling markets (i.e. return < 0). The Downside Capture Ratio expresses by what percentage the performance of the fund goes down with respect to the market. For example, if the downside capture ratio is 110 percent, the fund loses more performance than the comparable market or its benchmark.

6. No official benchmark.

7. Distributions are not guaranteed. The amount of distribution payouts may change or may not occur at all. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models or analyses that may prove to be inaccurate or incorrect.

8. Distributions are not guaranteed. The amount of distribution payments may change or be cancelled altogether. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models or analyses that may prove to be inaccurate or incorrect. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The presentation is for illustrative purposes only. Including front-end load and excluding reinvestment of distributions. Individual costs such as fees, commissions and other charges are not included in the presentation and would have a negative impact on the value of the securities account if they were included. 1) Launch of DWS Top Dividende:28.04.2003, shortened financial year (28.04. to 30.09.2003) 2) Based on EUR 10,500 initial investment on launch date (200 units at EUR 52.50 each); initial unit price incl. 5 % front-end load. Source: DWS International GmbH, as of December 2024.

9. Dividends are not guaranteed. The amount of dividend payments may change or may not be paid at all.

10. The sales prospectus contains detailed risk information.

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