
Results: 13 Results

Jun 11, 2024 Market Outlook

Market outlook - June 2024

Summer portfolio: Strong sun with fading liquidity, apply sunscreen“Forecasting the development of stock markets has already been easier than today. Currently, there is a host of positive and negative aspects, and it is all but clear which of them will gain the upper hand,” Björn Jesch, Global CIO, states.

Macro, Equities, Inflation, Multi Asset, Currencies, Central banks, Alternatives
May 09, 2023 Multi Asset

How real assets can prove their worth in the portfolio

Equities backed by real assets can help improve portfolio diversification and offer investors an attractive opportunity for consistent returns.

Aug 16, 2021 Equities

Slowing money supply becomes a burden for the stock markets

It is only a matter of time before money supply will lose its stimulating effect on the stock market – and this will make individual stock selection even more important.

Equities, Multi Asset
May 05, 2021 Multi Asset

How professionals manage portfolio risk

There are various ways to assess and cushion investment risk. DWS risk expert Thomas Graby explains how fund managers do it.

Mar 08, 2021 Multi Asset

Multi-asset funds - the right mix for many market phases

Mit breiter Streuung über verschiedene Anlageklassen können sich Multi-Asset-Fonds auch in schwierigen Marktphasen als Renditebaustein im Depot erweisen.

Multi Asset, Equities
Jan 25, 2021 Sustainability

Six questions for Christoph Schmidt: Why the DWS Dynamic Opportunities is now focused on ESG

One of DWS's most prominent multi-asset funds will operate as an ESG investment in the future. The changeover was the logical consequence of a path taken long ago, says its fund manager Christoph Schmidt

ESG, Sustainability, Equities, Multi Asset
Feb 25, 2020 Multi Asset

Multi-asset funds help you weather stormy times

Six men, a rowboat, the Antarctic, and nine new world records – under adverse conditions, a rowing team accomplished what no one person alone could have ever managed to do. Multi-asset funds follow the same principle.

Multi Asset, Equities, Retirement Solutions
Dec 06, 2019 Multi Asset

Multi-asset funds: a triathlon of successful investment

What do swimming, bicycling and running have in common with multi-asset funds? More than you think!

Equities, Dividend, Multi Asset
Oct 30, 2019 Multi Asset

“Flexibility is crucial”

Take advantage of market opportunities while minimizing fluctuation risks: that’s the guiding principle of Henning Potstada. In an interview, the multi-asset fund manager explains how he strikes the right balance in his portfolio and gives his current view of gold as an investment.

Equities, Multi Asset, Dividend
Oct 17, 2019 Multi Asset

Equities still offer the most attractive risk/return ratio.

Fund manager Christoph Schmidt about solutions to the dread-ful interest situation, the art of mitigating risks and how he deals with sky-rocketing shares in portfolios.

Equities, Multi Asset
Aug 02, 2019 Multi Asset

Multi Asset - Together we are strong

What is the most important thing to consider when investing? Broad diversification, as they already knew in ancient Rome. Today the same idea in modern form delivers results.

May 16, 2019 Multi Asset

What commodities such as oil and gold can offer investors

The bonds and equities markets are likely to remain turbulent for some time. Investors should therefore rely on a well-mixed portfolio, adding in a few selected commodities.

Apr 15, 2019 Multi Asset

Returns under pressure - ways out for investors

Declining returns and rising risks – that`s what DWS Research Institute experts expect over the next ten years. How investors can adjust.


CIO View