DWS CH AG is authorized to act as a manager of collective assets as well as a representative for foreign collective investment schemes and is being supervised by FINMA with registered office in Zurich. The authorization to operate as a manager of collective assets also authorizes an entity to operate as a portfolio manager.
Hardstrasse 201
CH-8005 Zurich
P.O. Box: CH-8021 Zurich
DWS CH AG is represented by the members of the executive board: Björn Jesch, Ulrike Braune, Nils Thewes Stefano Recchione and Sven Wuerttemberger.
Hardstrasse 201, CH-8005 Zurich
P.O. Box: CH-8021 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 227 3747
E-Mail: dws.ch@dws.com
Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, Laupenstrasse 27, CH-3003 Berne
Registered with the Commercial register of canton Zurich under the number CHE-131.004.000.